luni, 3 februarie 2014

31. 01. 2014. A story with a happy ending

Dear Friends, I would like to tell You an amazing story, an amazing story about love, frienship and about this wonderful creature, our true friend, the Dog. How they could feel, how intelligent they could be, they are amazing me every day! Please meet our Husky and her incredible story. She was thrown in the old shelter from Turda 2 years ago with other three dogs when nobody saw anything, probably during night. Last year in spring she was given for adoption to a family in Cluj and they have lost her baceause she is very shy with people whom she does not know. We have desperately searched her, we have spread photos with her in the part of the city where they have lost her, we asked people on the streets about not seeing a doggy like her, giving detailed description of her… and nothing… time passed and a few days ago my sister in law Monica Maria was looking at the photos of the poor doggies from the public shelter from Cluj Napoca made by a lady member of Association Nuca and she found our Husky there. We were so excited, we hoped so deeply she is our Husky, that next day, yesterday, Monica and her husband went to the public shelter and took her out. They came home and I was not in the shelter yesterday but our colleague Pop Eva from Trei Frati Patati was there and she told Monica that unfortunately the doggy is not ours, I was so sad… our Husky is still somewhere in the big, cold, dark night, alone and scared we have saved an other doggy that is so good for him, but our Husky? Is there a human for her? Does she have food, a secure place or she is still wandering on the streets without any hope to be find!.... Millions of questions… sadness and sorrow…. Today my first steps when I got to the shelter were to go and see the doggy…. Iwas so excited, I still had hope… she was so shy… but wagging a little bit from her tail exactly how she used to do…. She is our Husky, yes she is, but than I remembered what Eva said and I was confused… I let her in the separate kennel where Eva had put her… when we finished work with Viorel he said he has to fix a kennel where he found Husky when he arrived. What kennel? I asked him being veryr surprised, and he showed me the kennel with the two black doggies where our Husky used to stay. Viorel explained that when he arrived at the shelter, earlier than me, the new doggy was in the kennel with the two black doggies and playing with them, and he put her back in the back kennel of the barn. Viorel does not know about the Husky because she was given to Cluj before he started working in the shelter in summer. I was socked and delighted in the same time. Could You imagine that this wonderful soul managed to escape from the last kennel of the 100 m barn where Eva put her, came between the two lines of kennels till almost the first part of the barn, tore with her teeth the fence of the kennel where her place was and where she saw her partners and entered there… she finally arrived home! After 6 months of struggle, insecurity and lack of love, she finally arrived home!
Dear Friends I am so full of emotion… I am so full of love and admiration towards these wonderful creatures that I am surprised of myself that I have words to tell You the story… the story of a poor soul who finally got Home!... in the shelter in the middle of nowhere… She convinced me again that I am walking on the right way, the I have found my way, this is my way to rescue them, to help them… even if it is an endless struggle… this is my way…she gave me Hope and Faith… Yes this is The Way, the only way what could be accepted… and this is not about feeling pity about them… it is about respect and huge admiration towards some wonderful creatures who are equal to us!
You, dear Friends, came first and gave me a helpful hand showing me in the last moment that somewhere out, in a better place than our sorrowful country, good people live who think that these wonderful creatures deserve an other chance and they really do something for them, with their help they really make a diffrence for them!
I was so upset with God, I have lost my Faith, it was hard to lose it because my Grandmother grew me up in this feeling of faith, but the cruel fight for keeping them alive made my heart deaf, now I begin hearing His Voice again! Thank You All of You for giving my lost Faith back! I feel the deepest gratitude to You good people! Thank You!

With respect: Rus Fodor Dora Andrea

Amicii Nostri Organization, Turda, Animal Rights and Welfare
Semper Fidelis Shelter, Viisoara, Transylvania, Romania
Tel: 0040-742800743

miercuri, 29 ianuarie 2014

A day at the shelter

Dear Friends! Today we did a lot of things for our doggies, this could it be possible only with Your help and concern for them! We brought the food what we bought yesterday, We brought straw, we change the wet straw and they were extremely happy. We managed to obtain wood from a good friend of us as donation. We have to heat the water for them it is freezing very quickly. The winter is so hard... snow everywhere... it was so difficult to bring the straw it was 90 km to get there and back to the shelter but the struggle worth... look at their happy faces! Thank You who made these possible! With respect, Dora.

Organizaţie non-guvernamentală (ONG)

Animal Rights and Welfare.
A registered non-profit shelter in Transylvania,Romania. 

duminică, 19 ianuarie 2014

The shelter in the middle of nowhere - the story of the unseen tears

We are 3 ladies from Turda Romania, Transylvania region who established a dog shelter on the property of a local rich family. We began this activity in 2009 with 25 dogs. But because of the mass abandoning and the cruelty of people, old and sick dogs put on streets, hit by cars with severe injuries, we ended up with a number of more than 200 dogs in the year 2013. In March 2013 the family thrown us out from the property. We had to move the dogs in 10 days. In this critical situation we managed to give for adoption several dogs, but we had to find a place for the 200 what remains.
Nobody wanted to help us, the local authorities and the police were hunting us, because they influenced the family to throw us out from their property. We managed to find this former communist farm in a village at 15 km from Turda, called Viisoara, a farm which is almost demolished, but even here we have to pay a huge sum as a rent: 200 Euro/ month. This is a huge sum of money for us, and we do not get help from the governmental funds, only donations, lately very few indeed. I have borrowed money from all my friends, from a bank, I have been spending a huge part of my teacher s salary for the shelter purposes, because I can not bear to see them starving and of course when they need medical help not to call the vet. And they all want money from us, no vet is helping us as volunteer!
 We reached a very critical and extremely difficult situation If we do not pay the rent, the owner will throw us out from the place and I can not feed the dogs without help because I can not borrow anymore, nobody gives me other money, not even my friends, because they know I can not give them back spending all my money and time on the shelter! Here the local authorities are hunting us too, they do not want us there, even if we are far enough from people s home, 1 km, they put pressure on the owner to throw us out.
So many problems and I feel so weak and tired... after teaching at school 4 days per week I go helping in the shelter, physical work, feeding, cleaning, because I do not have enough money to pay enough persons to work for the doggies. When I am not in the shelter I am trying to get some help for them... I do not sleep during nights because of the problems we have... my family hates me because I destroyed everything in our home, not paying the bills, I gathered 8 stray dogs and 13 cats in our house... I really do not know how this story will end but that is very clear for me that alone, with so little help I can not go further... but if I say it was enough the shelter and the doggies will disappear in a short time, left to suffer in pain, or taken by the public shelter PTS or worse let to die in starvation.
You can say there are other more important problems in the earth, hundreds of people and children starving and dying every moment on different parts of our planet because of social and political injustice, but I chose to speak for these  creatures without words and tears, who do feel sorrow, pain and joy, You just have to look deeply in their eyes. I put my whole life on this cause. Beginning with the year 2009 I am working hard not only to keep alive the shelter dogs but to convince the local authorities, the politicians that killing is not an option, only registering the dogs with owners, the neuter and castration is the unique way to spare the endless suffering of these unwanted creatures.
Our world is full with the unseen tears of these noble creatures who do not have words to cry for themselves, most of them do not even give a sound when they suffer enormously and die in the deepest silence of the world! Can we change the world? Can I, a weak and tired woman full of the dirt and the misery of the shelter, with hands of a field worker of the Middle Ages, tired to death by physical work, dare to change the world? Can I maintain my dignity as a woman, as a teacher, as a former school manager who 5 years ago established a Hungarian minority school in Turda throwing everything what I had and learned for to serve the cause of some unwanted and poor creatures which worth nothing in the eyes of the most people from my country, Romania, country of suffer and shadows?
Stay still a few moments please and look in the eyes of the dogs of the shelter from the middle of nowhere… You can feel  You can taste the unseen salty tears of all the Romanian stray dogs … and then answer please my questions.

With respect:

Rus Fodor Dora Andrea

Amicii Nostri Organization, Turda, Animal Rights and Welfare
Semper Fidelis Shelter, Viisoara, Transylvania, Romania
Tel: 0040-742800743


marți, 14 ianuarie 2014

Multumim Ziarul Douazeci Si Unu pentru ajutor , in problema cainilor comunitari de la adapostul din Viisoara (judetul Cluj) !!!!

" Câinii din adăpostul din Viişoara, susţinut de Asociaţia Trei Fraţi Pătaţi şi Amicii Noştri au nevoie de ajutorul nostru. La momentul actual asociaţiile se află în dificultate în asigurarea hranei zilnice ale celor 200 de câini comunitari aflaţi în adăpost. Hrana lor înseamnă 80 de kg de hrană uscată pe zi!!! Ajutorul vostru poate schimba aceasta situaţie critică!” suna un anunt pe reţeaua de socializare facebook lansat de voluntarii asociaţiei...

Cine sunt, de fapt, aceşti 200 de câini? 


Cei 200 de câini sunt câinii pe care nu-i mai vedem noi pe străzi, câinii comunitari care, în alte oraşe, au creeat atâtea probleme şi disconfort cetăţenilor, iar spre binele nostru, al comunităţii din cele două municipii vecine, Turda şi Câmpia Turzii, dar şi al comunelor limitrofe, acest disconfort este redus la minim şi datorită asociaţiilor de voluntari din cele două municipii, una dintre ele fiind Amicii Noştri..."

Articolul este scris de  Sergiu Jucan  si il puteti gasi aici in Ziarul Douzeci Si Unu .

luni, 13 ianuarie 2014

Shelter in the middle of nowhere

Today we have fed our 200 dogs only with 60 kg of dry food, I have seen in their eyes that they are praying for more, they normally get 70-80 kg/ day! We are so short of money that we do not know how this story of the shelter will continue, could it be continued???? I have borrowed 50 Euro from my sister-in-law, 100 Euro from a colleague of mine, and I have spent 200 Euros from my teacher s salary, I could not pay the bills this month in my home, and the month is not finished, other money needed in the shelter day by day, the transport till their, the daily food... What should we do? A rhetorical question... no answers... but when I look into their eyes I see all the sorrow of Romania, a country without dignity and I feel I can not be one of them! But can I go further with the pain and the sorrow and the burden of the shelter of these 200 dogs? Should I continue? It is an absurd and grotesque story, I gave everything from me, nothing is left to give... except my love and care ...but is it enough?! You tell me is it enough????????? She is Fetita, so old, 15 years, so much time, she is dependent of me, I took care of her since she was an abandoned puppy on the streets nearby my home... sad story... look at us next to the fire, near the warm water, she is extremely weak now she deserves a warm home... we are warming each other.... together and so alone in a cold January afternoon in the middle of nowhere. a shelter in Romania...sad story...typically Romanian style... Could this story be written with another pen??? Could I hope for a change???

duminică, 12 ianuarie 2014

Ajuta cainii din adapostul din Viisoara (judetul Cluj)

Cainii din adapostul din Viisoara, sustinut de Asociatia Trei Frati Patati si Amicii Nostri au nevoie de ajutorul vostru. La momentul actual asociatiile se afla in dificultate in asigurarea hranei zilnice ale celor 200 de caini comunitari aflati in adapost. Hrana lor inseamna 80 de kg de hrana uscata pe zi!!! Ajutorul vostru poate schimba aceasta situatie critica!